Using appropriate operational management tools, analyse a process with which you are familiar, in order to make recommendations for improvement. It could be:
A design process; for example: changing technology; layout; workflow; ergonomics.
A planning and control process; for example: capacity planning; allocating work to resources; scheduling staff or equipment; managing queues; project planning; inventory management.
A quality control or improvement process; for example: failure prevention; total quality management.
(Please relate to my previous assignment or relate to the psychiatric admission wards in Hong Kong, thank you.)
Improving quality
Reducing risks and complaints
Improving effectiveness
Eliminating waste
Identifying and analysing information to identify solutions
Recommending changes to systems (and implementing them)
Operations should always add value for the patient
Using appropriate operational management tools, analyse a process with which you are familiar, in order to make recommendations for improvement. It could be:
A design process; for example: changing technology; layout; workflow; ergonomics.
A planning and control process; for example: capacity planning; allocating work to resources; scheduling staff or equipment; managing queues; project planning; inventory management.
A quality control or improvement process; for example: failure prevention; total quality management.
STRUCTURE FOR THE OUTLINE (500 words) before 30 March 2021
Aspect of the proposed submission Advice
Title For example: Analysis of xxx process in xxx hospital
Background Write a short description of the situation, services provided, volume of activity, staffing levels
Problem / opportunity statement Say why you think there is scope for operational improvement
Operations management tools Say what tools from the course you intend to use to analyse your chosen process
Executive summary Maximum one side of A4.
NOT an introduction; needs to say what process was analysed;
what the findings were, and any recommendations for improvement.
NOT included in the word count
Introduction Needs to do two things:
1. Give brief facts about the situation.
(service provided, where, who, how many)
2. State the problem or opportunity the analysis will seek to address
Strategic Context Explain how the analysis and improvement of your chosen process aligns with the objectives and policy of your organisation.
Analysis of your
chosen process Use appropriate operations management tools
for improvement Bullet points are OK
Appendices NOT included in the word count
Detailed calculations, figures, reference material and other back up data to show detailed workings
(CHOOSE 3 to 4)
1.Process charts (various types)
2.Activity-relationship chart
3.Line balancing
4.Lead:process time
5.Measuring capacity and capacity strategies
6.Project planning and other scheduling approaches
7.Lean approaches and a focus on waste
8.Defining quality (Garvin, Parasuranam, etc)
9.Quality control (steps in implementing)
10.Total quality management (Deming’s 14 points)
11.Continuous improvement (PDSA, FADE, Six Sigma)
12.Cause and effect diagrams
13.Risk assessment
Presentation and product 10%
Knowledge base and perception 30%
Diversity 5%
Critical analysis and judgement 30%
Creativity 15%
Evidence of learning 10%
Sample Solution