• OPTION 3: Find an article in a “popular culture” magazine or website (e.g., Maxim, Cosmopolitan, Men’s
Health) that relates to a topic covered in class. In the first part of the assignment (1/2-1 page), summarize the
article – what did the article have to say about the subject? What did it use as the basis for its
information/advice? Then, compare the article to what we learned in class (1/2-1 page). Does their information
or advice match what we learned? What was the same? What was different? What was left out? Do you think
this article was trustworthy? Why or why not? Finally, in the last portion of the assignment (~1 page), reflect on
the topic and the article as it relates to your own life. Have you personally experienced something similar to
what was described in the article? How did the experience affect you? Do you agree or disagree with the views
in the article? Why?
Sample Solution