A. How does Aristotle distinguish the human being from the plant and the animal and why is this significant for
his discussion of human excellence?
(Reference Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book I)
B. Define the various classes (social functions) in Plato’s Republic and explain how they contribute, on
Socrates’ account, to a harmonious state (polis).
(Reference Plato – Book I Section 1 to Book VIII Section 376D Optional, can ALSO reference Martinelli, Nature
or History)
Compare the role of the polis in Heidegger’s discussion of Sophocles’ choral ode in Introduction to
Metaphysics to the role of the polis in Plato’s Republic.
(Reference Reference Plato – Book I Section 1 to Book VIII Section 376D and Heideggers Intro to
Sample Solution