1. What specific treatment or behaviour change procedure(s) (e.g., antecedent control procedures, kind of reinforcement etc ) do you plan to apply to your target behaviour? Describe how you will apply this in general to your target behaviour, and explain why you chose this procedure. (3 marks) 2. Provide support for your decision by briefly describing, citing, and referencing (in APA style) a primary source (research paper) that supports your choice. It would be ideal to find a published study applying the specific behaviour change procedure you selected to your specific target behaviour, but this may be difficult to find. The next best thing would be to find a published study that has successfully applied the behaviour change procedure that you will be using (e.g., increasing response effort for an undesirable behaviour), to some other target behaviour. (4 marks) 3. What is your behavioural goal for your target behaviour? That is, describe what level you would realistically like your behaviour to reach by the end of the treatment phase. (1 mark)








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