Visual media can have a significant impact on how effectively a message is communicated. Appropriate and strategic visuals can inspire the audience, lend clarity to a message, and, in general, say things that words alone cannot.
Throughout this course, you decided on a message to communicate, determined the most effective platform or medium for that message, and selected the most appropriate visuals to support the message. For the Final Project, incorporate a minimum of three different types of visual design, such as typography, graphics, and images to deliver your intended message. Note that if you did not create the visual, you must include a reference for the visual(s) contained in the project.
For this project, use the concepts you’ve learned in this course to effectively apply visuals to a business-related message. Below, you will find just a few examples of how visuals can be utilized to communicate a message in the business setting. Feel free to use any of the examples listed below, or if you choose to select examples not included on the list, be sure to request instructor approval prior to completing the Final Project.

Examples of Business Communication

How Each Example Might Look for Your Assignment

Presentation on department achievements

PowerPoint slides with visuals such as video clips, images, and charts and associated speech in the Speaker’s Notes section at the bottom..

Print advertisement for your own business

Word document or PDF version of an advertisement, complete with appropriate image(s), embedded (or links to) video clips, composition, typography, and company logo and website.

Training materials on your job responsibilities

Sample Solution

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