Conduct a discourse analysis research based on language data, self collected or extracted from existing corpora (the data must be genuine), with reference to relevant theories.
Word length : 2400- 2600 words
Corpus website:
Paper topic : Comparison the usage of near-synonyms ( you can pick any two near synonyms words as long as they are meaningful to study)
Sample paper: EJ309651 on the topic of destroy and damage (see attachment)
The paper involves:
1. Properly defined research question(s) (RQs)
2. Properly defined methodology
What corpus/corpora do you work on? Why?
What linguistic elements do you investigate?
How can the linguistic elements help to answer the RQ?
How do you locate the information from the corpus?
Describe the steps, calculation, and f necessary, use screen capture
3. Discussion
Do the data you extracted and analyzed solve your RQs or hypothesis?
More than just raw frequencies
Screen capture and select relevant examples for discussion
What does your result show?