This individual assignment consists of a report (1,500 words) and is worth 250/0 of the total marks.
Apply relevant consumer behaviour theory to one of the product categories below:
• Car • Luxury watch • Hotel chain • Airline • Designer shoes Your application should be Informed by relevant theory and a wide range of reliable Sources of information including primary and secondary research.
Based on your findings, write a report that Includes: • A brief introduction to your product category, including a description of 115 target market and market information such as, market share over recent years, main competitors and key market trends etc. • Undertake primary and secondary research to identify the consumer dedsion making process applicable to your product and any individuals that may play a role in that process. • Use relevant consumer behaviour theory to explain your research findings. • Make a recommendation(s), clearly based on your research findings, which will improve the consumer decision making process for the buyer. • Appendix/appendices (maximum 6 pages) that include the full details of the marketing research undertaken including, for example, primary research questionnaires, sampling methods and sample size.
Marks will be allocated as follows:
Brief Introduction to your product category, its target market and relevant market Information. 5 marks Undertaking relevant primary and secondary research to identify the consumer 5 marks Using relevant consumer behaviour theory to explain your research findings 10 marks Making recommendatlon(s,) clearly based on your research findings, that will improve the consumer decision making process for buyers 5 marks
• Consult your teacher on your chosen product category before beginning your assignment. • While marks are not directly allocated to the content of the appendices, thorough and comprehensive primary and secondary research should enable more detailed application and explanation that supports appropriate recommendation(s). • If choosing a product category which is available globally, you will find it easier to focus on Its marketing to consumers in one country/geographical region. • The Harvard style of referencing must be used throughout. Good answers will contain references to sources in most if not all sections.
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