Propose a non-linear optimization problem and solve it using Gradient descent variation( adagrad,SGD,GD)
1- Clear description of the problem and mathematical formulation, include multiple variation and explain why we chose such formulation.
2- Motivation behind the selected problem and benefits.
3- Discuss the proposed solution, which method has been used any why? Also, include hyperparameter tuning (stepsize,momentum..)
4- Include at least two methods for solving the problem.
5- Conclusion section that explains the outcomes of the experimentations and mathematical insights (was the convergence slow? Did you experiment divergence? Did you have to try other algorithms before? What do you believe is the mathematical explanation for what you see?)
6- The notebook shall include python implementation with a clear comments to explain every step .
7- The problem shall be moderate in terms of complexity. Note: the could should be genuine without using python optimization libraries






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