Graduate students will complete a 16 (minimum) to 20 page (maximum) paper (not counting references, tables, charts and figures) worth 10 points. The due date for the final graduate paper is no later than 11:59 p.m., Sunday, April 29, 2018,
using the D2L drop box.
Please type your paper, double-spaced, using one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman type. Please cite your references and use current APA style for the entire paper (see reference below).
DO NOT include your name in the paper since these papers are automatically submitted to TURNITIN (see syllabus). Use as the file name for your paper “Lastname_Firstname_6850_Spring_2018.”
Points will be deducted for not answering all the questions and for not including all references in both the reference section and in the body of the paper, not meeting page requirements (both minimum and maximum), not using APA style, for less than high quality spelling and grammar associated with a graduate paper, and for other deviations from the instructions provided. After these process deductions are made, then the content will be graded. Papers scoring less than 80% will result in an incomplete being assigned for the course. Papers scoring less than 80% must then be redone and the new score must be 80% or greater or the incomplete will automatically convert into an “F” for the course.
Paper Instructions:
First, read the attached article and abstracts. Write your paper using the following headings and within each, address all questions. You are required to appropriately cite and reference each textbook used in this course, the attached article and abstract, and “The New Economics” at least once in this paper. To write your paper, use these headings and note the
associated page lengths of the following:
Per APA style, please begin with a title page and paper abstract. The title for your paper is “Transforming ____ into a Deming/Senge Learning Organization: HCMG 6850 Spring 2018.” Fill in the blank for your paper.
I. My Organization and Department (one page)
Think about and briefly describe a healthcare organization. Provide enough description so the reader has a feel for the culture of the organization and its relationship with stakeholders.
II. Preparing My Organization for Change (two pages)
Your people in your organization are not ready for change. Integrate the theories of Deming, Goldratt, and Senge into an overarching model and suggest action steps necessary to facilitate the change in personal thought and skills so that the organization is prepared for transformation. III. Transforming My Organization into a Deming/Goldratt Organization (eight pages minimum and 12 pages maximum)
Use Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge (SoPK) to identify and address the major bottleneck in each of the change dimensions. In each subsection, you are to address all questions, in order, using appropriate sub-headings. III.A Dimension of SoPK Change—Psychology (No more than three pages for all questions.)
Why change?
What to change?
What to change to?
How to cause the change?
Right acceptable change…how do you make the change acceptable?
Right way to change…what are the methods (steps) in making this change occur?
Right reason to change…what primary value is being addressed by making the change? Right time to change…are you sure that if you do the change now that it will work?
How will you know the change actually occurred and is now the new stable norm?
III.B Dimension of SoPK Change—Epistemology (Philosophy of Science) (No more than three pages for all questions.)
Why change?
What to change?
What to change to?
How to cause the change?
Right acceptable change…how do you make the change acceptable?
Right way to change…what are the methods (steps) in making this change occur?
Right reason to change…what primary value is being addressed by making the change?
Right time to change…are you sure that if you do the change now that it will work?
How will you know the change actually occurred and is now the new stable norm?
III.C Dimension of SoPK Change—Systems (No more than three pages for all questions.)
Why change?
What to change?
What to change to?
How to cause the change?
Right acceptable change…how do you make the change acceptable?
Right way to change…what are the methods (steps) in making this change occur?
Right reason to change…what primary value is being addressed by making the change?
Right time to change…are you sure that if you do the change now that it will work?
How will you know the change actually occurred and is now the new stable norm?
III.D Dimension of SoPK Change—Variation (No more than three pages for all questions.)
Why change?
What to change?
What to change to?
How to cause the change?
Right acceptable change…how do you make the change acceptable?
Right way to change…what are the methods (steps) in making this change occur?
Right reason to change…what primary value is being addressed by making the change?
Right time to change…are you sure that if you do the change now that it will work?
How will you know the change actually occurred and is now the new stable norm?
IV. Timing (two pages)
What is the time order and time necessary to accomplish the changes listed above? What is your justification for the time order? In other words, identify which dimension of SoPK you address first and state why. Then do so for the remaining three dimensions. (You cannot say you will do all at the same time.)
When is the earliest time frame, in years and months, that you think all the changes above will produce the stable transformation of your traditional organization into a Deming/Senge organization? Is your organization ready for the downturn in productivity during this period? Why or why not?
VI. How do Deming, Goldratt, and Senge Synergize? (one page)
Then describe how you think the ideas in these books work together. Are there sections that appear in conflict at first glance but later appear to synergize?
VII. Impact of Deming, Goldratt, and Senge on My Own Thinking (one page)
Finally, state the impact, if any, the texts have had on your own management/leadership thinking.
VIII. References (unlimited)
Do use references as appropriate using APA style. At a minimum, ALL the HCMG 6850 course textbooks, the paper and abstracts attached with this project, and Deming’s “The New Economics” are to be appropriately cited in both the references and the text.
APA STYLE—see: as reference to style conventions.