Assignment: Students will select, review, and analyze bodies of literature related to their research topic. Students will construct a review of the literature based on a minimum of ten scholarly sources that contribute to their thesis research. A one-page literature map should be included that puts the sources from their review into categories. Its organization should correspond to key concepts/themes encompassed by the research topic. Students will identify and list the appropriate source(s) that are related to each concept/theme. Drawing on these sources, students will complete a literature review.
I’d like to look at NATO intelligence sharing through three categories: History, Policy, and Practice. These three categories should be separated by headers in the paper. Each of those can be broken down further as you see fit (alliance-wide vs bilateral, etc…).
This must all be original words that synthesize the sources instead of just quoting them. Obviously, plagiarism can cause HUGE problems, so please steer very far from that and use proper sourcing.



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