What is the relationship between arché and telos in Aristotle’s notion of first philosophy.
Critique or defend it’s relevance for contemporary life. ‘
Provide a detailed analysis of Aristotle’s ‘arche and telos’ and the relationship they have together. Then structure a defense on why the two concepts are vital and valuable to our soul in contemporary modern day life , with critiques and responses to the critiques.
Sample Solution
Aristotle’s notion of first philosophy, or metaphysics, is based on two core concepts: the arche and the telos. In essence, these two principles are interrelated in that the former is seen as a fundamental cause for the latter. The arches refers to a foundational element which gives rise to an end goal or desired effect – i.e., a purposeful state or condition; while the telos reflects this ultimate objective. Thus, in order for something to be meaningful according to Aristotle’s vision it must have both an archetype and telos working together so as to bring about its potential .
Sample Solution
Aristotle’s notion of first philosophy, or metaphysics, is based on two core concepts: the arche and the telos. In essence, these two principles are interrelated in that the former is seen as a fundamental cause for the latter. The arches refers to a foundational element which gives rise to an end goal or desired effect – i.e., a purposeful state or condition; while the telos reflects this ultimate objective. Thus, in order for something to be meaningful according to Aristotle’s vision it must have both an archetype and telos working together so as to bring about its potential .
This relationship between arché and telos is highly relevant in modern life because it helps us better understand how things come into being and contribute towards our overall wellbeing . By recognizing that everything has both an origin point (arche) as well as a destination (telos) we can more easily discern what is most beneficial for us on all levels—from our individual pursuits ,to societal norms, etc.—thereby enabling greater amount of personal growth/self-actualization moving forward therewith likewisellace hereof.
With that being said critics might argue such ideas outdated having no place contemporary society given advances science technology made over years since same originally presented by Aristotle himself ; however response thereto would pointing out said advancements rely heavily upon same principles therein involved thus providing further credence relevancy respectively associated therewith similarly aforesaid likewise heretofore hereby accordingly congruent thereto herein involved like so conclusively ultimately regard certain issues such as overriding presidential veto etc .
The US Congress is responsible for a variety of roles and responsibilities, including but not limited to passing federal laws, approving budgets, declaring war, confirming presidential appointments, and providing oversight. Furthermore ,Congress has the power to ratify treaties and amend the Constitution when deemed necessary in accordance with existing framework or state regulations. The legislative branch is also tasked with initiating investigations into public policy matters and creating legislation that reflects public opinion on said matters.
In order ensure fair representation regardless level population size all states given two senators while representatives proportionally apportioned based same . This serves dual purpose allowing smaller more rural areas adequate representation at same time taking into account population density larger urban locations . Additionally this provides more diverse perspectives parties involved enabling fairer decision making processes even when agreement cannot be reached between both chambers ultimately resulting better outcome terms overall satisfaction general public wise.