Provide an overview of the key theories related to adolescence, including the biological, psychoanalytical, cognitive, and social learning views of adolescence. Acknowledge key theorists and their major contributions.

Sample Solution

Adolescence is a transitional period of physical, psychological and social development. During this time individuals experiences changes in their bodies as well as emotions which ultimately lead to increased independence from parents/guardians these can often be subject much debate due its implications for both adults youth alike. In terms helping make sense all observations being made about this stage life there are four primary theories related adolescence: biological psychoanalytical cognitive social learning each providing important perspective when trying understand behaviors exhibited teenagers.

Sample Solution

Adolescence is a transitional period of physical, psychological and social development. During this time individuals experiences changes in their bodies as well as emotions which ultimately lead to increased independence from parents/guardians these can often be subject much debate due its implications for both adults youth alike. In terms helping make sense all observations being made about this stage life there are four primary theories related adolescence: biological psychoanalytical cognitive social learning each providing important perspective when trying understand behaviors exhibited teenagers.

Biologically speaking adolescence seen period rapid growth maturation sexual transformation; during which hormones play key role affected individual’s temperament libido etc. This approach has its roots theory proposed by pubertal physiologist James Tanner who conducted extensive studies examining differences between children adolescents focusing on physical characteristics such height weight body proportions (e.g., torso arms legs) especially those areas relating puberty such facial hair voice deepening etc.


Psychoanalytically Freud viewed young person’s personality divided into two parts – conscious unconscious where they were driven by powerful primal instincts (id) while ego represented rational self-control . Consequently he thought adolescents should be encouraged explore different activities develop personal identity separate from that their families order successfully transition adulthood taking care repress any aggressive impulses along way.


Cognitively Jean Piaget described process intellectual development focused on understanding how an adolescent acquires interpreted knowledge around them; he considered information gained through experience more relevant than anything else thus emphasizing importance education proper guidance during this formative period life decision making rule-following etc..

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