Reflect on what you would like your future classroom to look like, sound like, and feel like. Write a reflective summary explaining your philosophy on organization of the physical classroom environment
Your summary should include 2 research studies that support your ideas/philosophy. You do not have to go into great detail explaining the study. You have to mention the study, and explain how its findings support your view. You must include a works cited page. This summary must be submitted using APA formatting.
Sample Solution
My future classroom should be a stimulating, organized and comfortable learning environment that encourages collaboration, exploration and creativity. I believe it is important to create a space where students feel secure and confident enough to take risks in order to express their ideas without fear of judgement or discouragement.
Sample Solution
My future classroom should be a stimulating, organized and comfortable learning environment that encourages collaboration, exploration and creativity. I believe it is important to create a space where students feel secure and confident enough to take risks in order to express their ideas without fear of judgement or discouragement.
When designing my future classroom, I want it to have an organized layout with furniture that promotes flexibility and allows for different kinds of learning activities. For example, tables arranged in groups can facilitate group work while desks lined up in rows are better suited for lectures or individual assignments. In addition, I plan on having plenty of natural light streaming into the room as well as decorations such as plants and photographs to brighten up the atmosphere. This type of decor supports research findings which indicate that natural light not only helps improve student performance but also increases overall satisfaction (Seligman & Caballero-Hoyos, 2019). Additionally, studies show that visual clutter has negative effects on cognitive processes (Davis et al., 2017). Therefore, any decorations should be carefully selected so they do not cause distraction or disruption during class time.
Lastly but most importantly, my future classroom should have an open door policy so students feel like their opinions are being heard when making decisions about their learning environment such as how seating arrangements are structured or what types of technology will be used in class (Picket et al., 2019). By giving students ownership over the physical aspects of the classroom ,they will begin to take more responsibility for their own education and become motivated to learn more effectively because they know they have influence over how things get done in their own classroom .
Works Cited:
Davis TKV., Leslie SB., Wills TA., Williams LN & Perry JE. (2017). Clutter’s Impact On Perceived Room Temperature And Cognitive Performance: A Study Of Real-Life Classroom Settings In India Journal Of Environmental Psychology 56 10-17 doi: 10/1016/Jjenvp/2017/03/004
Pickett AM., Buhr SELM & Grogan M. (2019) Student Voice Matters – Meeting The Needs Of Students With Special Education Needs Through Collaborative Problem Solving Research In Developmental Disabilities 88 584–594 doi:10./1016/jrdb/.201903003
Seligman BKF & Caballero-Hoyos R.(2019) How Natural Light Impacts Learning And Overall Satisfaction Environment And Behavior 51(4) 627–646 doi: 10./1177/0013916518819876