Cite three of the readings below: (no other outside sources)

2.1 Kalyvas, Stathis N. 2001. “‘New’ and ‘Old’ Civil Wars: A Valid Distinction?” World Politics 54 (1): 99–118.

2.2Humphreys, Macartan, and Jeremy M. Weinstein. 2008. “Who Fights? The Determinants of Participation in Civil War.” American Journal of Political Science 52(2): 436–55.

2.3Walter, Barbara F. 2017. “The New New Civil Wars.” Annual Review of Political Science 20 (1): 469–86.

2.4 Lyall, Jason, and Isaiah Wilson. 2009. “Rage Against the Machines: Explaining Outcomes in Counterinsurgency Wars.” International Organization 63 (1): 67–106.

3.There are different ways that you can write a response paper. One approach is to focus on multiple readings and look at the big picture. For example, explain how different pieces fit together and/or contrast with one another. Or, you can identify a gap you see in the pieces, and propose ways to address that gap.

A second approach is to make an argument in response to or building on the arguments, issues or ideas presented in the readings. Put forward a thesis statement and build the case for it. In doing that, you can analyze the readings as evidence for your argument, bring in specific examples, and/or draw connections among the readings assigned for that class period.

A third approach is to present a constructive criticism of one or more of the readings for the class. What is the research question posed by the reading(s)? Do you find the argument and evidence presented by the author(s) compelling? Why/why not? How do you think the work can be improved?




Sample Answer

Sample Answer


Title: Exploring the Dynamics of Civil Wars: Bridging Gaps and Proposing Solutions

Thesis Statement: By examining the various readings on civil wars, it becomes evident that while they provide valuable insights into the causes, determinants, and outcomes of these conflicts, there are still gaps that need to be addressed. This essay aims to explore these gaps and propose ways to enhance our understanding of civil wars.

Introduction: Civil wars have been a recurring global phenomenon, causing immense suffering and posing significant challenges to peace and stability. In recent years, scholars have conducted extensive research to comprehend the intricate dynamics of civil wars. The readings assigned for this essay shed light on different aspects of civil wars, such as the distinction between old and new civil wars, determinants of participation, emerging trends, and the effectiveness of counterinsurgency strategies. While these readings contribute to our understanding of civil wars, they also leave certain gaps that need to be addressed.

I. Examining the Distinction between “New” and “Old” Civil Wars

Kalyvas (2.1) argues for the need to distinguish between “new” and “old” civil wars based on their characteristics.
Walter (2.3) provides an overview of the emerging trends in civil wars.
By analyzing these two readings together, we can identify the gaps in our understanding of the evolution of civil wars, as well as the implications of these changes on conflict resolution strategies.
II. Determinants of Participation in Civil Wars

Humphreys and Weinstein (2.2) delve into the factors that influence individuals’ decisions to join a civil war.
Drawing connections between this reading and the others, we can explore how the motivations and mobilization strategies differ across different types of civil wars.
By addressing these gaps, we can develop a more comprehensive understanding of why individuals choose to participate in armed conflicts.
III. Critiquing Counterinsurgency Strategies

Lyall and Wilson (2.4) analyze counterinsurgency strategies and their effectiveness in quelling civil wars.
By critically examining this reading, we can identify potential shortcomings in their argument and propose alternative approaches to counterinsurgency efforts.
Addressing these gaps will contribute to developing more nuanced and effective strategies for resolving civil wars.

Conclusion: The readings assigned for this essay provide valuable insights into various dimensions of civil wars. However, they also highlight gaps in our understanding that need to be bridged for a more comprehensive understanding of these complex conflicts. By examining the distinction between old and new civil wars, exploring the determinants of participation, and critiquing counterinsurgency strategies, we can enhance our understanding and propose more effective approaches to addressing and resolving civil wars. By continuously refining our knowledge, we can work towards a more peaceful and stable world.

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