Field Study: Observational Data as a Primary source

In this exercise you are to conduct a field study where you go to a general gathering place on campus, at your job, or in your community. For better results conduct your visual study during a busy time. You must observe for 30 minutes and notate your findings.

How are cultural groups broken up?
How do they identify?
What are the interactions within these groups?
How do these interactions differ from other groups?
How do people come in and out of these groups?
Do groups interact with each other?
Come up with your own questions as you sit and observe. Once completed, take time to reflect on your notes and your thoughts. Then concisely put your thoughts into a one-page (or more) reflection paper.

Diversity in the Workplace Report
Points: 25

Read the following article: America’s Greatest Workplaces for Diversity 2023

Most companies these days talk a lot about diversity. It is common to hear employers emphasizing their efforts to recruit and promote people of different ages, races, genders, sexuality and abilities. And that makes sense, not only because diversity is important particularly to younger job applicants, but also because it is well-documented that workplaces filled with people with different worldviews are more creative, more innovative and generally make better decisions. Employing a wide variety of people who feel comfortable and respected isn’t a desirable perk, it is simply good business.


Prepare to conduct a Corporate Research report. A corporate research report is a discipline based on the concept of culture that combines tactics of observation and interview to record the dynamic behavior. … Ethnographers study any human area; and the principal idea is moving from learning to testing. Review a corporation from the list of organizations provided.


For the purposes of this assignment you will research an organization of your choice. The company you choose can be from the Fortune list above, the company you currently work for, or a company you aspire to work at in the future. The company must be a Nationally recognized organization (there may not be enough information on smaller start-ups).

You will study that organization, gather facts and information and then write a two-page (double-spaced) research paper. You will need to find out very specific information about the company you chose. Your research must include data from multiple sources. You must find out specific detailed information about that company. Please address the following in your research:

What is the organizations mission, vision and values?
Discuss the diversity of the group, what makes them diverse (or not).
How is the organizations cohesiveness shown in daily activities? Give examples.
Describe the organizations patterns of norming. Do you see any non-conformity? If so please explain, if not discuss what might motivate the employees to conform.
Does the organization require its employees to go through any diversity training? If they do not, discuss how diversity training might benefit the group.



Field Study: Observational Data

Location: A local coffee shop

Time: 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM


  • Cultural Groups: The coffee shop was diverse, with people from various cultural backgrounds. There were visible groups of Asian, Hispanic, and Caucasian patrons.
  • Identification: While there were no obvious outward signs of cultural identification, the groups tended to congregate with people who shared similar cultural backgrounds or spoke the same language.

Field Study: Observational Data

Location: A local coffee shop

Time: 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM


  • Cultural Groups: The coffee shop was diverse, with people from various cultural backgrounds. There were visible groups of Asian, Hispanic, and Caucasian patrons.
  • Identification: While there were no obvious outward signs of cultural identification, the groups tended to congregate with people who shared similar cultural backgrounds or spoke the same language.
  • Interactions Within Groups: Within each group, interactions were generally friendly and relaxed. People engaged in casual conversations, laughed, and shared stories.
  • Interactions Between Groups: There were limited interactions between different cultural groups. While people from different backgrounds were present in the same space, they tended to socialize primarily within their own groups.
  • Entry and Exit: People entered and exited the coffee shop individually or in small groups. There was no noticeable pattern of group entry or exit.


This observation provided insights into the dynamics of cultural groups in a public setting. While the coffee shop was diverse, there was a tendency for people to self-segregate into groups with similar cultural backgrounds. This may be due to language barriers, cultural differences, or a preference for socializing with people who share similar experiences.

The limited interactions between different cultural groups suggest that there is still room for improvement in fostering cross-cultural understanding and integration. Encouraging diversity training and promoting inclusive environments can help to break down barriers and create a more welcoming space for all.

Corporate Research Report: [Company Name]

Mission, Vision, and Values

[Insert company’s mission, vision, and values here]


[Company Name] prides itself on its diverse workforce, which includes employees from a variety of backgrounds, including race, ethnicity, gender, age, and sexual orientation. The company has implemented several initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion, such as diversity training programs, employee resource groups, and inclusive hiring practices.


[Company Name] demonstrates strong cohesiveness through its collaborative culture and shared commitment to its mission and values. Team members work together effectively, communicate openly, and support each other’s efforts. The company’s annual retreats and team-building activities further strengthen team cohesion.

Norms and Conformity

While there are informal norms and expectations within the organization, there is also a degree of non-conformity. Employees are encouraged to express their own ideas and perspectives, and there is a culture of innovation and experimentation. However, employees are also expected to adhere to company policies and procedures.

Diversity Training

[Company Name] does require its employees to go through diversity training. The training programs focus on raising awareness of diversity and inclusion issues, promoting empathy and understanding, and providing tools for effective communication and collaboration.

Benefits of Diversity Training

Diversity training can benefit organizations in several ways, including:

  • Improved employee morale and engagement: Employees who feel valued and respected are more likely to be engaged and motivated.
  • Enhanced creativity and innovation: Diverse teams bring different perspectives and ideas to the table, leading to more creative and innovative solutions.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: Diverse workplaces can better understand and meet the needs of a diverse customer base.
  • Strengthened reputation: Companies with a reputation for diversity and inclusion are more attractive to top talent and can improve their public image

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