Within the realm of compliance, securing an initial commitment is key. After making a commitment, people are more willing to agree to requests that are in keeping with that prior commitment. When are commitments most effective? How might you adapt some of the commitment-gaining strategies discussed in the Influence textbook (Chapter 3) into the organizational leadership realm? As a team leader, how might the use of a “team charter” improve project team member commitment and compliance? And, finally, what’s your experience with team charters and the team charter development process?
You’re hitting on some important points about commitment and compliance, especially relevant in organizational leadership. Let’s break down those questions:
When are Commitments Most Effective?
Commitments are most effective when they are:
- Active: Written or otherwise actively expressed commitments are stronger than passive ones. Think of signing a pledge versus just thinking about it.
- Public: Commitments made publicly are more powerful because people feel social pressure to remain consistent. It’s harder to back out when others know your stance.
- Effortful: The more effort put into a commitment, the more valuable it becomes to the person making it. Think of the difference between a quick online form and a lengthy application process.
You’re hitting on some important points about commitment and compliance, especially relevant in organizational leadership. Let’s break down those questions:
When are Commitments Most Effective?
Commitments are most effective when they are:
- Active: Written or otherwise actively expressed commitments are stronger than passive ones. Think of signing a pledge versus just thinking about it.
- Public: Commitments made publicly are more powerful because people feel social pressure to remain consistent. It’s harder to back out when others know your stance.
- Effortful: The more effort put into a commitment, the more valuable it becomes to the person making it. Think of the difference between a quick online form and a lengthy application process.