Step 1: Find the professional code of conduct for your chosen career in the list offered under Course Content. If you find a source in this list that no longer works, let your professor know so it can be deleted. If you cannot find it in this list Google it. There are thousands. Every profession has one.

Step 2: Create a Word document and give it a heading as follows in bold type:
My Professional Code of Conduct (use 16pt. type bold)
Assignment Four – BCOR 380 (use 14pt. type bold)
Your Name (use 14pt. type bold
April 8, 2019 (use 12pt. type bold)

Step 3: Outline the code using a minimum of 750 words, in 12 pt. Times-Roman with 1.15 spacing, to present the following line of thought:

  1. Choose five standards, AKA virtues, AKA values, upheld by the code.
  2. Indicate the challenges to those standards one will likely face as a professional.
  3. Tell what recommendations on how to meet those challenges are required by the code.
  4. Conclude with your own thoughts on the value of the code.

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