Using social media has become a way of life. We can now easily connect with old friends, keep in touch with people across the world, and even form relationships with people we may never meet face-to-face. Types of relationships include: m
embership in a social group, intimate relationships, professional relationships, or dysfunctional relationships.

As we all rely more and more on the Internet, including buying, selling, blogging, banking, chatting, emailing, and paying bills, we are increasingly exposed to the dangers of identity theft, cyber bullies, sexual predators, and many other kinds of corruption. How can we protect ourselves in this new electronic era? What precautions should we take now and in the future to keep ourselves safe—both physically and emotionally? Write a persuasive essay of the dangers lurking on the Internet and offering a coherent proposal for successfully avoiding the problems you identify.

Use information from magazines, periodicals, popular media, the Internet, and other sources. Find current articles by clicking on Google Scholar. Write a 600 word persuasive essay in which you take a stand on this issue. Do not use such phrases as “I think, I feel, I believe.” Do not use 2nd person pronouns (you, your, yourself), and do not use contractions (can’t, don’t, haven’t, hasn’t). You may document references to your sources by paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, and synthesizing However, I am only requiring that you use at least one source for this particular assignment. See MLA style of documentation from the Resource list above.
Your grade will be based upon the thoroughness, accuracy, and insightful responses; also, your use of correct spelling, grammar and correct sentence and paragraph format will be evaluated (ALWAYS spell check your responses), and/or use of outside sources.

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