Indicate your perception of your performance fort the capacity development program you have attended. Please select number from 1 to 5 before the course as 1 is completely disagree and 5 completely agree. And also select another number stating your opinion after your attendance the course. Again 1 to 5 before the course as 1 is completely disagree and 5 completely agree.
Before the course After the course
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Will help trainees to value learning
Will help trainees to improve innovation
Will help trainees to improve the encouragement of their employees to share their ideas.
Will help trainees to appreciate employees’ achievement
Will help trainees to share their ideas with their employees
Will help trainees to learn new methods of achieving the tasks
Will help trainees to talk positively
Will help trainees to practically implement improvement
Will help trainees to learn from mistakes
Will help trainees to accept challenges
Will help trainees to encourage their employees understand the purpose of change.
Will help trainees to encourage employees work in teamwork
Will help trainees to be creative and improve performance
Will help trainees to consider stakeholders’ needs
Will help trainees to identify gaps and ways to overcome them.
Will help trainees to learn from others through building good network
Will help trainees to look outside the box
Will help trainees to support complex learning needs
Will help trainees to change access of employees to the information needed to enhance their performance
Will help trainees to encourage staff achieve their work and be independent.
Will help trainees to encourage their employees participate in decisions
Will help trainees to meet their employees directly
Will help trainees to follow high standards of performance
Will help trainees to get their employees involve in decision making
Will help trainees to draw plans prior achieving tasks
Will help trainees to test new ideas before implementing
Will help trainees to integrate new ideas to practice
Will help trainees to implement what learnt into practice
Will help trainees to develop strategic decisions
Will help trainees to develop their capacity

Now think about the capacity development (CD) course you teach, please select your level of agreement about the following statements related to the capacity development course you teach. 1 is completely disagree and 5 is completely agree.
1 2 3 4 5
The number of weeks spent in each module to deliver the aims of the modules
The number of hours do you spend to train each individual to improve their work
The number of tutors running each module to deliver the objectives of each module
The accredited tutors in each module are efficient to deliver the purpose of the module
Trainees of different module are paired together
How relevance the course to trainees individual work
The course is efficient to support plan and timelines of trainees
The course is effective to enhance the capacity development to support intended results
The course is sustainable to continue capacity development in practical life
In general, how do you assess the capacity development course to reach the main aims and objectives of the course.

• describe in a few sentences your perceptions of the course you teach in relation to the main purpose of the course
• Have you ever experienced any situations where your trainees expectation exceed their workload? Please describe what happened.
• Have you ever been in the position of refusing requests to do additional training due to a concern that capacity would be exceeded? Please describe the situation and the reason of your refusal
• What are the main challenges of the course do you think it would enhance the capacity development course

• Do you think that trainees need to take regular training to achieve better performance? Please give details
• What is your age?

? Under 25
? 25-40 years old
? 41-55 years old
? Over 55 years old

• What is your gender?

? Male
? Female

• How many years of work experience do you have?

? Less than 3 years
? 3-5 years
? 6-8 years
? 9-12 years
? Over 12 years old

• What position do you hold in the program?

• What modules do you normally teach in the Capacity development program?




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