Your first task is to compare and contrast several (at least five or six) different place rankings by identifying the
variables they use to measure the quality of these places and the methods they use to calculate the scores.
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These can include the ones I’ve listed above, but you should also make the effort to look for others. There are
LOTS of them out there! Questions to think and write about here include:
What variables, or characteristics of places, seem to matter the most among the different rankings?
Is there a balance of economic, environmental, social, and other concerns?
What seem to be the most common characteristics of the places that rank the highest? If there are places that
seem to be near the top of all the lists you’ve looked at, why might be the case? In other words, what do they
have that other places don’t?
Do you think the authors of each set of rankings has used reliable and trustworthy methods to calculate their
rankings? Essentially, this section of your paper should give us a good summary and critique of your selected
“Best Places” ranking.
Your second task is to consider the rankings as they relate to your own perceptions of what constitutes a good
quality-of-place and quality-of-life, given your current stage on the life-cycle.
What are some factors that you think make a place great?
What are some things that you feel influence your quality-of-life?
Did any of the rankings that you analyzed resonate particularly well with you? That is, did you find any of them
measured several of the things that matter the most to you? If so, which one(s) and how? If not, why? What
was missing, and how might you measure the greatness of a place differently?
If the community you currently live in is on one or more lists, how does it rank? Do you agree with this? Are you
satisfied with the quality of place and quality of life in that place? Are your needs generally well met in this
If you haven’t settled down permanently in a particular place yet, what will you look for when that time comes?
For many of you, I’m sure it will be “where I can find a job”, but think beyond that. For example, what if you had
competing job offers in different cities but the position and pay were similar? What factors might influence your
This section should give the reader a good idea of what you think constitutes a great place to live, why these
things matter to you, how well this is working out for you in your current living situation, and, if applicable, what
this all might mean for where you choose to live in the future.
Sample Solution