Part 1 Issue area: This is where you tell the reader the issue area in need of attention in regards to global governance. Why have you chosen this issue over others? How will focusing on such an area improve global governance effectiveness?
Part 2 Analysis: You will provide your thorough analysis of the success or failure of global governance in solving the global challenge.
• Provide a summary of the divergent perspectives on this issue. Is there any fallacy concerning
how these arguments are made and? What policies and solutions have been tried before? What
are the effects of these policies and solutions?
• Based on your evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of existing perspectives and policies,
identify the most important arguments (i.e., your diagnosis of the problem) to reason your positions. What are the major actors (at the global, national, and/or local levels) that have been thus far involved in the solution of this global challenge? What are the major stumbling blocks that these actors have faced in the past/present (or will face in the future) that has kept this issue unresolved or will continue to do so?
• In your argumentation, provide authoritative facts and reliable data to support your arguments. Synthesize the interpretation of the empirical evidence with your evaluation of your evaluation of existing perspectives and previous initiatives (e.g., institutional arrangements and policies).
Part 3 Designing solution: Tie your thesis and arguments to a “plan of actions;” i.e., some feasible policy or course action. Articulate the necessity and feasibility of your suggested solution and detail its implementation.
• Sample questions in proposing the solution: If you propose a specific project, what actors should
be involved in the process? How long the project would take? What resources are necessary to complete the project? Based on your evaluation of effectiveness of global governance in Part 2, you can also design a new institution or the reform of an existing one (or the revision of an extant treaty). Will this be an ad hoc arrangement, a program implemented in an intergovernmental organization (IGO), a NGO or some mix thereof?
• Counter possible rival policy recommendations. Note that your reader is always “critical” of your opinion and ready to challenge your proposed solutions. As such, you should address the strongest arguments of those who disagree with you in your proposed solution. Give the other side a full and fair hearing; acknowledge question or objections, and briefly address the counterarguments by comparing the validity of your approaches and those that could be adopted by your opponents.
Sample Solution