An important aspect of policy work is the capacity to write coherent policy briefs. A policy brief is not an essay. Rather, the aim of the brief is to provide a Minister or government agency with key information on a policy issue. A briefing paper aims to provide a concise and coherent explanation of the issue and it must provide the decision makers with relevant information to enable a decision to be made. It often involves demonstrating a need to change or alter a current policy; to form a new policy or cease a current policy.
A good briefing paper must include:
• A concise summary of the issue
• Argument and evidence that demonstrates the need for change of some kind
• Recommendations for action, backed up by evidence
• Any appendices that would assist the decision makers to move on the issue
• A reference list
Please note the following for the development of your report.
1. Presentation. A contents page is required. Please also note that the report can include headings and sub-headings.
2. Evidence to support your analysis of the policy. If appropriate this may include statistics.
3. Tables and figures. These can be useful but must enhance the clarity and/or strength of your arguments. All tables and figures also require a heading. The main information in the tables and figures must be discussed in the text of the report. Avoid the practice of inserting a table or figure without it ever being mentioned in the text.






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