Background Info: Clinical was done on 3E Oncology Floor at Inpatient hospital. The unit is also used as an
over flow for Med-Surgical Floor.
Staffing is de-centralized p. 435- Leadership and management functions in nursing 9th edition by Bessie L.
Marquis, RN, MSN
Carol J. Huston, RN, MSN, DPA, FAAN Wolters Kluwer
Care delivery Model: Total Patient Care Nursing or case method nursing p. 350. Why is this method used?
Personal mix: 7 nurse (5 patients each)
1 Charge Nurse (3 patients Max)
3 PCAs
1 Unit Secretary
1 Nurse Manger
1 unit Director
Is the staffing adequate and meets patient care needs?
12 hour shifts. There is flexible and sharing shifts.
2 Journal Articles will be included. Plus you can add this one to make 3. Safe nurse staffing policies for
hospitals in England, Ireland, Califoria, Victoria and Queensland: A discussion paper
Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

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