Nursing theory

        Create a slide presentation using a design tool of your choice (PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides, Canva, etc.). The resource below demonstrates some best practices for creating presentation slides. Requirements Use a minimum of 8-9 slides...

Acquisitions currently underway

      Research acquisitions currently underway and choose one of these acquisitions to discuss. Based on the firms’ characteristics and experiences and the reasons cited to support the acquisition, do you think it will result in increased strategic...

Analysis and application of a selected theory

  This presentation assignment is an analysis and application of a selected theory. Select a theory to focus on. The theory can be a nursing theory or a theory from another discipline. For this first assignment, you will create a slide presentation using a design...

Forms of real estate ownership

Real property can be owned in several ways: (1) a fee simple, (2) a life estate, (3) a leasehold estate, and (4) an easement. Choose one of these and discuss the advantages/disadvantages (if any) of these forms of real estate ownership. Q.2 Can you research the...

Invitation Homes rented a house in Chicago

  Identify at least three different forms of an appraisal report. Discuss the sections that are common to all forms of appraisal reports. Discuss the sections that differ based on the appraisal technique employed, use of report, type of property,...