“Hanging Fire” and “My Papa’s Waltz”

  Compare and contrast “hanging fire” by Audre Lorde, and “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke. I would suggest taking the poems and focusing on one theme (longing, for example. If you were to focus on longing your could examine how...

French Revolution And Napoleon

Compose one twelve to fifteen-page research , students will submit their research that includes a thesis statement, a list of sources (primary and secondary) to be used, and a breakdown of the themes to be developed through the . Besides having a title and footnotes,...

Boaz Ganor and Walter Laqueur, is she a terrorist?

    Research Aafia Siddiqui, her background, her arrest, and her prosecution. In your research for outside sources pay attention to the materials in addition to maps, etc., found on her person during her arrest in Afghanistan. Focus on whether she is a...