“How an Old Man lost his wen”

  After reading the fairy tale “How an Old Man lost his wen” (attached in files), create an opinion paragraph outline, answering the following prompt: Analyze your chosen fairy tale using the archetypal critical perspective. Refer to the guiding questions and...

The meaning of climate change

  summarize the meaning of climate change. For your final paragraph, share your own understanding and viewpoints on climate change and the impact on humanity.

Theoretical framework of the research

Design the theoretical framework of the research with the topic (unemployment) that you chose on previous workshops and support it with a least six academic references.  

Leader and Manager’s Roles in Evidence-Based Practice

    As a new nurse, you will need to focus on using evidence to support your practice. Nurse leaders and managers make a difference ensuring nursing practice is current and relevant. First Post Describe how you will be involved with ensuring that you are...