Benchmark – Algebra Unit Plan

    Because lessons do not stop when a student leaves the classroom, purposeful collaboration with other teachers, staff, and families can help reinforce and expand the student’s knowledge and skills. Whenever possible, teachers should try to engage families...

Effective Teaching Strategies

  Imagine you are teaching a class consisting of 12 boys and 13 girls. Of the 25 students in your classroom, 5 have ADHD-inattentive Subtype (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder-Inattentive Subtype), 4 have IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) where they...

Career Technology Education Teacher

Do you prefer the naturalistic or technological approach? Based on your content background, do you see any possibilities to adopt a dual approach in curriculum design and instructional delivery?  

Technological tools in your classroom

  How can you include technological tools in your classroom if your school does not have extensive technology resources? Include 1-2 free examples that might be available to you and a short summary of their application.