Analysis of an Emerging Technology Firm

      find a technology firm recently listed in any U.S. stock market, and analyze its values and potentials. The firm you choose must have its initial public offering (IPO) in any U.S. stock market such as NYSE and NASDAQ after January 1, 2020. This is...


What is stigmatization? what is mental health stigmatization? examples of mental health stigmatization? how does mental health stigmatization affect people with mental health? theories that explain mental health stigmatization and stigmatization. how the media has...

Does culture matter

    Does culture matter? And, which culture matters: 1) “national” or “individualistic” culture, or, 2) his/her “organizational” culture? Are both cultures the same? “Google-around a bit”

“The Pitcher” by Robert Francis

After reading “The Pitcher” by Robert Francis, consider how the poem itself works the way a good pitcher does. Which lines illustrate what they describe? Robert Francis’ “The Pitcher” delivers to the reader just as a major league pitcher delivers to the batter....

The value of diversity in the workplace

  This competency means that students should be able to demonstrate the ability to do the following: 1. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of different points of view that may be determined in part by race, ethnicity, culture, social class, national...

The Qualities of a Prince

    Perhaps the chief ethical issue raised by The Qualities of a Prince is the question of whether the desired ends justify the means used to achieve them. • Write a 3 -4 page essay in which you take a stand on this question. Begin by defining the issue....