“criminal justice system”

          Do you believe the term “criminal justice system” is an oxymoron? Why or why not? Identify a mala prohibita law(s) that exists in Florida which you believe should be decriminalized? Why?

Analyzing a female sex offender

        Select a female sex offender from the video (e.g., Jennifer Rice, Courtney Reschke, Joyce McKinney, Debra Lafave, Pamela Rogers Turner, Haeli Noelle Wey, Sarah Jones, Mary Kay Letourneau-Fauulau, Kathryn Ronk, Rachel Repress and Shelley...

Covert action and clandestine operations

            Review historical examples of covert action and clandestine operations in the text. Discuss what distinguishes a covert action from a clandestine operation. Use your creativity to tweak historical details, turning their...

Disciplined or undisciplined psychopath

      Jeffrey Dahmer, a convicted sex offender who also killed and cannibalized his victims, was insecure and lacked self-confidence. He exhibited traits such as a sense of entitlement, lack of impulse control, externalization of blame, and aggressive...