How culture and spirituality play a role in your life

  At some point in their careers, counselors are likely to encounter clients who are closely tied to their religion and spirituality, and who will want to integrate their personal spiritual beliefs into their journey with their counselor. Additionally, counselors...

Sport product being marketed and promoted.

    Q1 search for a promotional video of your own for a sports product; such as a sports team, sporting event, sport equipment, or sport apparel organization. Please check the discussion and select a video that has not been previously posted by any of your...

Toll gene in Drosophila melanogaster.

    Research the discovery of the original Toll gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Tell us about the researchers, and their original findings. What is Toll’s actual function in the fruit fly? Why was this discovery so significant? What are your thoughts...

Cultural Competence and Diversity Initiatives

  Now that you have successfully determined the potential steps to take when preparing and writing a comprehensive literature review, it is time to put some of your readings into action. 1. Using a selective database (e.g., ERIC or ProQuest), you are to follow...


          You are the owner of a small pizza restaurant that has endured financial loss during the COVID- 19 pandemic, and the recent inflationary shift in the U.S. economy post-pandemic. Prior to March 2020, your business was averaging...

Counseling gay and lesbian people of color

      Counseling gay and lesbian people of color: Multiple identities: Part 2 Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: In what ways do the client’s social and cultural identities contribute to their experience? How might you tailor your...