Different Minds The Body Specificity of Language and Thought

  1. Read over the following articles and discuss how language can affect our actions Casasanto, D. (2011). Different Bodies, Different Minds The Body Specificity of Language and Thought. Download Different Bodies, Different Minds The Body Specificity of Language...

Libya recently announced that it is claiming a 200-mile zone

Libya recently announced that it is claiming a 200-mile zone off its coast as its territorial waters (and airspace). To stake its claim, Libya placed armed warships across the 200 mile line and warned the world that this line constitutes a “line of death” to anyone...

Personal Financial Management

    -Your attitude towards money. Discussion Topic: 1. One of the first steps to becoming financially responsible is to understand your current behavior. The attached file named “Attitudes towards money” and the money attitudes survey ( link to...