Compensation and benefits.

          You have been asked to replace the project manager who was heading up a project to replace your firm’s compensation and benefits system with a newer C&B system. One of the reasons the project manager is being replaced is because...

Price discrimination

            The idea that transactions in a market place work like an invisible hand is to some extent the idea that when a person chooses to buy an item at a given price they are happy with the deal. There is no coercion. If the person...

Business Intelligence

  Excel is probably the most popular spreadsheet software for PCs. Why? What can we do with this package that makes it so attractive for modeling efforts?

The quality of institutions

        Economist keep saying that the quality of institutions is important for economic growth, but when you look at countries all around you, it is unclear what economists mean by “quality institutions”. China, a very corrupt country,...

Impacts of raising wages

        Assume that you are a member of a labor union which has just bargained with your employer to raise everyone’s wages by 10% and provide full health coverage. What potential harm could this do to the workforce?  ...