Nursing Staffing and Patient Safety: Shiftwork

    search 3 literature in databases for ONE qualitative article, ONE quantitative article, and ONE Systematic Review article that was published within 5 years of today’s date, is peer-reviewed, and is related to your PICOT/clinical question. Reminder: All...

Healthcare career research

      Write your healthcare career research paper • Submit the completed paper to a Tutor. • After receiving feedback from your tutor • in one paragraph (4 or more sentences), summarize the feedback you received from your tutor about your healthcare...

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns

      Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to...

Health care financial professional

          You have decided you would like to work in a foreign country as a health care financial professional. Choose the country and the type of position within health care finance or health care management. You would like to know how...