by Dan | Jun 15, 2023 | Healthcare
CASE STUDY: Albert Albert Mitchell is a 36-year-old man who will be traveling to Dubai to give a business presentation in 3 months. Although he has traveled widely in the United States as a consultant, this is his first trip to the Middle East. He requests...
by Dan | Jun 13, 2023 | Healthcare
Create a case-based presentation on a specific disease process from one of the units of study in the course. The focus of the presentation is the pathophysiology of the disease. The presentation should be 10-12 slides (or the equivalent is not using a...
by Belinder | Jun 12, 2023 | Healthcare
In 1878, congress authorized the US Marine Hospital Service, the precursor to the Public Health Service, to collect morbidity reports on cholera, smallpox, plague, and yellow fever from US consuls overseas. For the most part,...
by Dan | Jun 11, 2023 | Healthcare
Compose a written comprehensive psychiatric evaluation of a patient you have seen in the clinic
by Belinder | Jun 10, 2023 | Healthcare
Do you agree with the use of a government-coordinated intrusion-prevention system like EINSTEIN across all non-government networks in the U.S?
by Dan | Jun 8, 2023 | Healthcare
Scenario: Matteo is an 18-year-old bisexual adolescent of Latino decent, who has been on and off diets for the past five years. They are in their sophomore year of an accelerated bachelor’s degree program and have been binge eating takeout meals from fast food...