Defending the Science of the Discipline

Papers in this course are meant for you to integrate, critically evaluate, and apply your thinking about particular topics relevant to psychological literacy. The paper should be short (about three pages), excluding references.Paper 2 Topic: Based on your background...

Introduction to Human Services (Woodside & McClam, 2019)

Read Chapter One in Introduction to Human Services (Woodside & McClam, 2019).Watch the documentary, “Bedlam”. Be sure to watch, not just listen, because there are points presentedin writing you will miss if you just listen. When using direct quotes, or referring...

Introduction to Data Science

Find a data science application published in an online journal (which one does not matter) and summarize the paper. Including an overview of the approach, a link to the online version of the paper, a reference to the paper, a description of the dataset used, as well...

Dialogic And Contemporary Arguments

Now that you can identify the origins of western rhetorical tradition and began mapping a definition for what argument is, we’re now going to move into the individual components of composing argument. Think of this week as an exercise of “connecting and reconnecting”...

Case Study On Homeless (For Elise Claudia)

Introduction. Introduce the main purpose of the case study and briefly outline the overall problem to be solved.Description. Write a brief description of the case under discussion giving an outline of the main issues involve Sample Solution