Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

    You as the Systems Analyst have practiced analyzing business cases and will now produce documentation that may lead to a viable project. You will also be asked to start the process of transforming those business requirements into more detailed system...

Digital Strategies Used on a Corporate Website

  Present your findings in a research paper format. You may use charts to display some of your findings. The paper should be about 9- 10 pages doubled-spaced, size 12 font, and use APA. Cite your sources and provide the link for the websites in the reference...

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Patrick Lencioni

  The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Ben Horowitz What you do is who you are: Ben Horowitz First Break all the Rules, Jim Harter, Marcus Buckingham The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Workbook: John Maxwell   Please choose one of the books listed above and...

Collaborative interaction.

  For your initial reaction post, focus on what constitutes a collaborative interaction. Are there other collaborations that you can think of, for which there is a technological help? Why is it important to understand how people collaborate? Do include some of...