Christian Knights

Discuss TWO of the EIGHT Crusades which began c. 1054 and lasted almost 200 years. Christian Knightswent off to fight Seljuk Turks in the middle east when the Turks encroached upon the eastern Roman Empire inByzantium. I would like you to tell me why the Crusades even...

Personal and spiritual beliefs

Examining your personal and spiritual beliefs is necessary throughout your career as a counselor. The purposeof self-reflection is to help counselors gain an understanding of their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actionsso that they do not impose their beliefs on...

Religion and World Politics

Choose TWO of the three questions below, and write an essay answer for each. Each answer should be UPTO TWO double-spaced pages, using 11 or 12 font and normal margins (!).Please use TURNITIN (on Canvas, under the Week 6 module) to submit your essays (doc, docx,...

Exegetical and theological research

Ministry Project Outline: Chapter 1: (4-6 pages)• Introduction and Description of the Ministry Context, 3 – 4• Statement of the Problem, 0.5• Statement of the Purpose, 0.5• Justification for the Dissertation, 0.5 – 1• Delimitations, 0.5 – 1•...

Understanding the Book of Romans

In his chapter on Romans, Porter discusses several options for the purpose of the letter. For this discussion, please do the following:Pick three of those options Porter lists and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each.Articulate which option seems to be the...