Statistics Analysis

(15pts) For each of exercises below, draw a DAG that contains four variables A, B, C, and D. EachDAG should imply the (conditional) independencies listed in the corresponding exercise, and onlythese independenciesHint: Not all nodes needs to be connected to some other...

How to analyze covid graphs and stats with algebra

Put together everything that we have studied this fall, all the different types of functions: linear, quadratic, polynomials, rational, radical, exponential, andlogarithmic functions.To complete this last assignment, go to the website, which has been...

Statistics Report

The different sections that should be present in the report: 2 pages Research Question and Relevance (attached) 2.Data Description and Data Collection (attached as excel file) 3.Data Organization 4.Data Analysis 5.Conclusions 6.References Sample...

Sampling methodologies

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions: Why should multiple sampling methodologies be considered for health care research? Explain.What are the risks of sampling errors? Sample Solution

Explaining the J curve

An important assumption underlying the DD-AA model is that other things equal, a real depreciation of the home currency immediately improves the current account, while a real appreciation causes the current account immediately to worsen. Explain graphically under what...

Hawkes Process (HP) in statistics

introduce Hawkes Process (HP) in statistics, not in other fields and find mean value and variance for HP with exponential self-exciting function, 2. state and prove the central limit theorem for the HP. Don’t write answers directly like mean and variance, please...