by Dan | Jul 28, 2020 | art and architecture
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well… Not always. Many of you have probably endured painfulpresentations using slides and terrible design.There are a number of ways that visual aids can go wrong, including too much text, text that’s too small,...
by Dan | Jul 22, 2020 | art and architecture
You will be creating a design using shapes and type to path. Create a logo for an imaginary product.Use the shape tools and type to path.Have fun!Name your layers descriptively. Sample Solution
by Dan | Jul 21, 2020 | art and architecture
In this course, you will write two 600-word essays that demonstrate the conventions of art-historical researchand analysis. The essay topics may be an expansion of topics that you have investigated as a part of yourcourse discussions. You will draw upon the skills...
by Dan | Jul 20, 2020 | art and architecture
Please watch the videos on Donatello’s St. Mark and David, and answer the following questions: Who comissioned Donatello’s St. Mark, outside the Orsanmichele buidling in Florence?What are some ways that Donatello’s St. Mark and David revive the...
by Dan | Jul 18, 2020 | art and architecture
Choose a hand tool that is used in aviation. It can be one that is used by mechanics, pilots, or anyone else involved in aviation. Take a picture of the hand tool (or draw it). Then write a 300+ word paper about how you would redesign that tool to better improve the...
by Dan | Jul 16, 2020 | art and architecture
We are often told by art historians that on one hand, artists create compositions organizing the visual elements for a desired aesthetic effect, yet, on the other hand, it is pointed out that many artists don’t necessarily apply these principles consistently or that...