Training for customer service

  How can address the following when thinking about training for customer service   What methods would you use? How and when would you implement them? Be specific in your description of activities using your methods. Why would the methods you chose to use be...

Intercultural communication.

  find an article on google scholar on intercultural communication. -Summarize the article BRIEFLY, Identify the research problem, Analyze the article, examining the strength of its thesis/hypothesis, method of investigation, analysis of data, and conclusions,...

“Better Brainstorming” by Hal Gregersen

  Read the article titled as “Better Brainstorming” by Hal Gregersen, published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions: 1. Summarize the article and explain the main issues discussed in the article. Discuss the three steps of ‘Question...

Rearch question, methodology

  State concisely the research question, methodology (e.g research design, sampling, data sources), analytic procedures and potential significance of findings.