Children in Room E4: Part 2

Who is John Brittain? Why was he respected in Hartford? (p. 33-35)Explain one of the main arguments of the Sheff v. O’Neill case. (p. 35-36)By 2000, Eaton explained that segregation in the neighborhood surrounding Simpson-Waverly “had evolvedinto a largely...

Changing styles in period art

In the late Byzantine and Gothic art, the movement to styles will set the stage for what we see in the Renaissance period. Discuss the manner of representation that we see in the presentation of figural form in this period. How has it changed from what we examined in...


Compare and Contrast the two following works in essay format:16th Ed. 15th Ed.12-39 12-39 Eadwine the Scribe, The Scribe Eadwine from theEadwine Psalter, ca. 1160-1170.14-15 14-15 Pietro Lorenzetti, Birth of the Virgin, 1342.-Identify both works at the start. This...

Artworks comparison

Write an essay comparing the mosaic Christ, San Vitale, Ecclesius, and Angels from the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy (Byzantine art, 540-547) to the Shaka Triad statue from Horyu-ji Temple in Japan (Buddhist art, 623). Discuss the similarities and differences...

American fashion

The organization is called “Everlane” An America fashion brand.Read the instruction...

Design of a mindful writing mantra

The etymology of “mindfulness” is to “remember to remember.” Meditators use a variety of techniques toremember-to-remember, including meditation bells and mantra, or a verbal saying that is repeated or becomesthe object of reflection. Ideally, a mantra should be...