Generic company strategy

    Select an article from Business Week, Forbes or Wall Street Journal that you think describes some internal factors for a specific company. Answer these questions and be specific… 1) What are two internal factors for a company in the article and is...

How disease burden is measured

    1) What information presented in this article was most surprising to you about disease burden? 2) Why was that information surprising? 3) In your own words, explain how disease burden is measured and how it is used to define global...

When assessing abdominal pain.

  Make a comprehensive list of relevant information to gather when assessing abdominal pain. How do you assess for masses in the abdomen and how you would document such findings? Describe your findings on a previous patient that you have encountered where you...

Community Health Promotion Project

  Through completion of the course project components, you have developed tools that could be utilized in a real-world strategic planning process. Your final assignment will culminate in the design of a comprehensive work plan that provides a bird’s-eye view of...