“Collective Self-Defense”

            What is “Collective Self-Defense” as described in Chapter 11? Is “collective self-defense” legitimate or just a guise for nations to accomplish political agendas? Also discuss two of the three uses of “collective self-defense”...

A right to an attorney in all criminal proceedings

        Should all defendants have a right to an attorney in all criminal proceedings? Include municipal courts in your discussion. For example, do you think a defendant in a class C criminal jury or bench trial should be appointed an attorney if...

Analyzing a criminal case study

      Choose a criminal case study from your own research or use one from the crime section of The Daily Chronicle website to examine the differences between the juvenile and adult court systems. You will read and summarize a case involving an adult....

Development theory and critical criminology

        Find two cases from scholarly sources, one that fits with developmental theory and one that fits with critical criminology; in 500-750 words, explain the following: 1. Explain how each of the cases you chose fit with the associated...

Child Pornography found on a corporate computer

        If Child Pornography is found on a corporate computer, what should an employee avoid doing? What should a corporate computer, e-mail and Internet user policy contain? Do you think that chain of custody places an undue burden on...