Reviewing a female sex offender

        Select a female sex offender from the video (e.g., Jennifer Rice, Courtney Reschke, Joyce McKinney, Debra Lafave, Pamela Rogers Turner, Haeli Noelle Wey, Sarah Jones, Mary Kay Letourneau-Fauulau, Kathryn Ronk, Rachel Repress and Shelley...

Sex offenders

      Describe the rationalization the sex offender is stating. Explain what you would want to know about the personal and criminal history of the sex offender and why. Explain how you would address these rationalizations and defenses. Explain what you...

Rights given to crimes

      The United States offers those accused of committing a crime several rights. These rights consist of the right to counsel, the right to remain silent, the right to a trial by a jury, and the right to bail. If you were on trial for committing a...