The International views of capital punishment.

Discuss the International views of capital punishment. How are these views different from those in the United States? Have the International views of capital punishment had an impact on how capital punishment is used in the United States; if so, how?

America’s use of the death penalty

America’s use of the death penalty is always a hot topic. Why do you think our use of the death penalty is highlighted so much in comparison to other countries? Compare and contrast the use of the death penalty in American compared to a country of your choosing....

Criminal Trial

Choose any one of the following countries: England, Russia, or South Korea. Create a 6- to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that describes the process of a criminal trial in the country you have chosen. Include responses to the following questions: Is their...

Using the media to reduce crime and victimization

        Using the media to reduce crime and victimization has proven difficult due to unanticipated and counterproductive effects. Why do you think it is so difficult to raise concern about crime and its consequences of a targeted audience without...