Present-day entrepreneurs

Discuss and support your opinions about entrepreneurs and technology today, using the following questions as a guide:Who comes to mind when you think of present-day entrepreneurs?Does today’s economic and political environment promote or retard entrepreneurial...

Social Entepreneurship

If citing another source, please make sure to properly reference it. Lack of proper referencing could be considered plagiarism.Short report: Pls choose a social enterprise at the base of the pyramid not seen in class, describe what it does and how it serves the BoP,...


1Entrepreneurs have many unique character traits that distinguish them from regular employees.a) how do these character traits help entrepreneurs navigate the challenges in starting a business? Be specific in discussing.b) how do the different motivators of...

Entrepreneurial Innovation

What is innovation?(bringing ideas into reality) What is entrepreneurship? How did the class change your perspectives on these two definitions? Regarding your business you worked on in class, would you continue to work on it and bring it to reality? Why or why...

Concepts of Entrepreneurship

Case StudyStudents are supposed to read the attached Case 2- Able Planet. Based on your understanding of the case and basic concepts of Entrepreneurship.Answer the following question: Experts say that entrepreneurs who need between $100,000 and $3 million often face...

Corporate entrepreneurship activities

Select a firm known for its corporate entrepreneurship activities. Research the company and discuss how it has positioned itself relative to its close competitors. Does it have a unique strategic advantage? Disadvantage? Explain. Sample Solution