The concepts associated with entrepreneurship.

For this assignment, you will evaluate the concepts associated with entrepreneurship. First, locate the video below in the Films on Demand database in the CSU Online Library.ABC News (Producer). (2013). Building a food truck business from the ground up [Video]. Films...

Entrepreneurial Finance

Visit a venture capital fund’s web site and summarize the fund’s history and current activities. What might bethe potential upsides and risks to investing in this fund?Describe two motives for having an equity component in employee compensation. Sample...

Entrepreneur Spotlight

The Entrepreneur Spotlight for this week is…J. K. Rowling! Let’s take a look at the video, “The Most InspiringSpeech: Don’t be Afraid to Fail – J. K. Rowling [run time 6:41] which explores how failure actually set thefoundation for her success with the Harry Potter...

Nonprofit & Social Entrepreneurship

The first chapters that we’ve discussed are about the background of Nonprofits and then leadership and governance. As we got into later chapters we started looking at strategy and mission statement. For this case i’d like each of you to look at the mission...

Entrepreneurship and Marketing

Question 1: Entrepreneurs have been identified as having certain traits and characteristics. Discuss the extentto which GoPro founder Nick Woodman exemplifies these traits and characteristics. Justify your response withreference to academic sources (e.g. academic...