Dying at Work a critical assessment

  Analyzes arguments from Dying at Work to critically assess whether current occupational safety and health regulations are adequate and if not, how workers can be safer on the job.      

Environmental Regulations and Sustainability Memo

  Imagine that while you have been enrolled in this course, you have realized there are no sustainability initiatives at the company you work for. You mentioned your interest in implementing a sustainability initiative for the company that demonstrates...

Environmental Science

    Pick non-carbon-based fuel and discuss it. Do not use ammonia. You are to discuss what the energy is (what produces it or where it comes from), what facilities are needed to obtain this resource, what facilities are needed to process the energy into a...

Initial visit requesting refills of his blood pressure

    A 55 year-old male patient presents to your clinic for his initial visit requesting refills of his blood pressure and blood sugar medication. He states he has been out of his medications for about 3 months and can’t remember the name of either of them....