“illegal” immigration

  There is a great deal of debate about immigration in the United States today, most of it centering around “illegal” immigration. Recently, governors of some border states have begun to send immigrants to cities in other states, particularly Washington, D.C....

Vaccinated against COVID-19

  Please use a utilitarian calculus to explain (with as much detail as possible) why people should (or should not) be vaccinated against COVID-19. You will need to be clear as to whether you are using Mill’s or Bentham’s version of utilitarianism, and why you...

Ethical Debate

        Instructions In your initial post, write 400 words responding to one of the ethical situations provided using one of the ethical frameworks (deontology or teleology) as your focus. Support your post and discussion with the Code of Ethics...

Ethical Standards of Contract Management

Please write 250 words Review the following information on ethics: • Link 1 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cashing-in-for-profit/ • Link 2: https://www.gao.gov/new.items/d05436t.pdf (Some Browsers may have trouble with this link. The Airforce GAO Paper is also attached...