Free speech, trolls, and disinformation campaigns

  After reviewing the Study Materials for this module on free speech, trolls, and disinformation campaigns, consider your own experience online. Have you or someone you know ever had an experience with challenging online phenomena like trolling, cyber-hate...

Companies That Exemplify CSR

  Students will identify outstanding companies that exemplify corporate social responsibility (CSR), and understand the impact CSR has on a firm’s reputation. Research a company that has embraced and implemented CSR policies and tactics. Explain what the impact...

Ethical perspectives work in real-world scenarios

  Imagine that individuals within the community action group are meeting to share the social issue they have chosen and the ethical perspective they might use as they consider solutions. Some tensions have popped up in the action group. Your community action...

Reproductive Rights

Reproductive rights revolve around an individual’s right to determine whether and when they want to have children. In 1973, the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade established the legal right to abortion; however, states continue to battle over legislation related to...